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Site Visit Targeting: Using Segments for Success

✅ New Leads Intermediate

Impact of Play: Very High


Utilizing Warmly’s Segments feature will enable your team to slice and dice your data exactly how you want it, so that you can take action more efficiently and effectively. We’ve created a list of 12 of the most commonly used Warmly segments. Understanding this list and recreating it similarly for your organization will help your team get to value using Warmly.

12 Segments

Company -> Company domain

Use the Company domain segment to apply a filter for certain domains. For example, you can use this segment to filter out your own company’s domain, or certain other domains that you know don’t fit within your ICP. You can also use this segment to select certain domains of accounts that are of particular interest for your team.

Company -> Company geo country

Use the Company geo country segment to filter for certain countries. The segment allows you to filter for just US-based companies, or filter out companies headquartered in India. Note that this segment refers to the headquarter locations of a company.

Company -> Company metrics employees

Use the Company metrics employees segment to filter for certain sized companies based on their number of employees. Note that Warmly’s data classifies companies by employee size based on buckets (as seen in the Warm Accounts tab).

Company -> Company metrics estimated annual revenue

Use the Company metrics estimated annual revenue segment to filter by estimated annual revenue. Note that Warmly’s data classifies companies by estimated annual revenue based on buckets (as seen in the Warm Accounts tab), so be sure to set up this segment in a way that parallels the buckets.

Person -> Person location

Use the Person location segment to filter for visitors located in certain locations. For example, selecting the value to be ‘US’ would filter for visitors that are located exclusively in the United States. Note the discrepancy here between Person -> Person location (visitor location) and Company -> Company geo country (company headquarters location).

Session -> Session active seconds

Use the Session active seconds segment to filter by number of active seconds spent on your website. Setting this filter as greater than or equal to one second will dramatically reduce traffic from bots (who usually spend less than a second on your website). Setting this filter as a higher number of seconds enables you to filter by a particularly high intent signal (having a visitor spend a long time on your website).

Page -> Page pathname

Use the Page pathname segment to filter by select pages viewed on your website. This is critical when building out a segment for companies and individuals who have hit high intent pages on your website (for example, the pricing page). You can also use this segment strategy to filter out traffic of individuals that likely are not within your ICP (for example, traffic that came to view your careers page).

CRM Contact / CRM Account -> Owner ID

Use the Owner ID segment within CRM Contact or CRM Account to filter by the particular member of your sales team who is the owner of contacts and accounts. This segment will help each member of your sales team illuminate the traffic on your company’s website from their accounts and contacts.

CRM Opportunity -> Stage

Use the Stage segment within CRM Opportunity to filter by the stage of opportunities within your CRM (note that this is a dropdown selector).

CRM Opportunity -> Pipeline

Use the Pipeline segment within CRM Opportunity to filter by the pipeline of opportunities within your CRM (note that this is a dropdown selector).

Company -> Company domain (to remove .edu / .gov traffic)

It’s common for our customers to elect to filter out traffic from .edu and .gov domains. Use the Company domain segment to do this, and select ‘does not contain’ before inputting items such as .edu and .gov.

Testing Newly Created Segments

To test a segment that you’ve created and ensure that it’s working properly, apply that segment as a filter within the Warm Accounts tab. If no data comes up when it should, it’s likely that you’ve made a mistake when creating the segment. The account-level data that populates should correspond exactly to the segment that you’ve created (for example, if you’ve made a segment for companies over 50 employees, there should not be any companies that show up in the Warm Accounts tab that are in the 1-10 employee bucket). 


This is play was written by Ryan Beyer, Head of Customer Success. Feel free to reach out at

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